132kV Feeder in Western Sydney

Over the years Trenchless Advisor has assisted Aurecon Australia with various Trenchless projects around Australia. One recent project undertaken by Trenchless Advisor involved the investigation (incl. survey, geotechnical and existing uilities) and design of seven road crossings using a mix of both Horizontal Directional Drilling and Auger Boring along a chosen route for the installation of a new 132kV feeder network. This also included the obtaining of “In principle” approvals for the crossing of a major road and a bridge.
Trenchless Advisor worked closely with Aurecon, the electrity provider (government) and also the road authority to ensure the final designs were as per the clients requirements and specification, suitable and safe as per the road authorities requirements and were also practical and achievable for the chosen contractor to construct.
Aurecon/Endeavour Energy
Investigation, design and approvals
2 × DN140 PE100 PN10 & 3 × DN180 PE100 PN10
Bore Length:
Various 35m – 190m
Environmental Factors:
Crossing of major and minor roads and bridges
Ground Conditions:
Clays and shale